#43 तिम्रो हाम्रो सबको यातायात

चिल्लो सडकमा चिल्लो गाडी हैन, हामीलाई हिँड्न डुल्न, साइकिल कुदाउन सुरक्षित सडक चाहियो माइ लर्ड! बढ्दो प्रदूषणलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न निजी गाडीलाई भन्दा विद्युतिय सार्वजनिक यातायातलाई प्रोत्सहान गरौ र सबैलाई सुरक्षित महशुस हुने र वातावरणलाई संरक्षण गर्ने किसिमका भौतिक पूर्वाधारको विकास गरौ, माइ लर्ड! यसैबारे यसपालिको गफगाफ featuring Shristina Shrestha of Nepal Cycle Society.
This episode focuses on transport, both as a local and national concern. We have tried to explore the state of public transport and how it represents the contestations and conflicts experienced by individuals (especially women) and communities on a daily basis. Our guest Shristina Shrestha of Nepal Cycle Society offers a critical view on some policy lapses when it comes to addressing the public versus private divide in relation to access to green spaces and the disproportionate impact of pollution on the general health and wellbeing of the urban population with limited means.
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This episode is part of a series Boju Bajai has produced in partnership with UN Nepal on the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations. It is an attempt to amplify the voices of individuals and organizations in Nepal striving towards creating a more equal, just and sustainable society.
For more information on the UN75 survey please go to un75.online/
Related readings:
Bourgeois environmentalism, Prashanta Khanal, The Kathmandu Post
Cycling lessons from Copenhagen, Prashanta Khanal, The Record
Read more about Nepal’s petrol tax policies
Environmentalists say government can start with using tax pollution to combat poor air quality, The Kathmandu Post
Heat and dust: Kathmandu’s commuter hell – in pictures, The Guardian
कस्तो हुन्छ समाजवादी सहर ? (अडियाेसहित)
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