#95 Guff Gaff with Bidhya Rai

Boju Bajai in conversation with journalist Bidhya Rai. We talk about her experience being a woman inside and outside the newsroom, her journey from Bhojpur to Kathmandu, and why her relationship with social media has deteriorated over the years. Bidhya is an award-winning journalist who has consistently reported on stories about the most marginalised communities in Nepal through an intersectional lens, from disability rights to cyber security, gender and climate change. In 2023, she won a South Asia Laadli Media Awards for gender sensitive reporting. This conversation was recorded in May 2023. Bidhya is a reporter at Kantipur.
You can follow Bidhya Rai on
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bidhya.bantawa2053/
Here’s a list of Bidhya’s stories:
‘लैगिंक हिंसा रोक्न गर्न लगानी बढाउनुपर्छ’, Kantipur
महिला तथा बालिकामाथि अनलाइन हिंसाको कहर, Kantipur, ekantipur.com/news/2023/11/26/th…7-32.html?author=1
चौथो अंग : पत्रकारितामा भविष्य छैन भनेर सिनियर पत्रकारले निरुत्साहित गराउँदा नयाँ पुस्ता डराए, Ukeraa, ukeraa.com/news/detail/143407/
Bhojpur farmers vexed by falling productivity, The Kathmandu Post
विमानस्थलको होडबाजीमा एक दशकमा डेढ अर्ब खर्च, Kantipur ekantipur.com/news/2024/01/15/on…ambling-03-16.html
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