#60 Guff Gaff with Abha Lal

Photo Courtesy - Abha Lal


We talk to journalist Abha Lal about the citizenship debate in Nepal and how the recurring amendments disproportionately discriminate against women from the Madhes.

This conversation was recorded for Guff Gaff with Boju Bajai, a web-series presented by Book Bus Nepal. The series was produced by Satori Center for the Arts, Quixote’s Cove, and Boju Bajai.

Abha Lal is a journalist and researcher. Follow Abha on Twitter @AbhaLal2

Click here to watch ‘अनि पहाड चाहिँ ?’  the second episode of Guff Gaff with Boju Bajai Webseries on Youtube. Abha Lal and Pallavi Payal about the citizenship debate in Nepal and how the latest amendments disproportionately discriminate against women from the Madhes. Yozana Thapa Magar brings you a sketch from a CDO office. And we have a special performance for you by the singer Pratibha Jha. 

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Recommended readings: 

‘Nepal’s citizenship battles’ by Abha Lal

‘What mainstream feminists are getting wrong about the citizenship debate’ by Kalpana Jha, Abha Lal, Sangita Thebe Limbu

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