#64 Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

Trigger warning: This episode contains mentions of rape, murder and suicide.
This episode was produced by Boju Bajai in collaboration with Samata Foundation.
नेपालमा महिला तथा बालिकाहरु माथि हुने हिंसा, विशेष गरी यौन हिंसाका घटनाबारे दिनानुदिन समाचार आइनै रहन्छ। सडक र सामाजिक सन्जालमा यौन हिंसाबारे निकै बहस हुन्छ र पत्रिकाका पानाहरुमा आक्रोश पोखिन्छ। देशैभरि बलात्कारका घटनाहरु बढीरहँदा पत्रपत्रिकामा यस्ता समाचारले स्थान पाउनु स्वभाविकै हो । तर संचार माध्यमहरुले यस्ता घटनाहरुलाई कसरी cover गर्छन ? अझ महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्न, बलात्कारमा परेका मध्ये कसको स्टोरीले कस्तो स्थान पाउँछ ? यी प्रश्नहरूलाई खोत्लने हाम्रो प्रयास यस एपिसोडमा सुन्नुहोला ।
The level of violence against Dalit girls, minors is frighteningly high. However, in the absence of sustained scrutiny from the media and the public at large, the police’s response to these cases follow a usual pattern marked by hesitation, if not an outright refusal, in registering the case, negligence in investigation, and dismissal of caste dynamics. The local representatives, who actively engage in or support out of court settlements, make the path to justice more arduous. When cases manage to reach court, there is no telling to when justice will be served.
In this episode, we try to explore challenges faced by rape victims from marginalised communities when it comes to seeking justice. We also spoke to journalists Binod Pariyar, Rupa Gahatraj and Basanta Pratap Singh about the challenges involved in reporting such cases.
Many case studies we discuss in this episode were derived from Dalit Human Rights Book 2077. Published by Samata Foundation, the book offers detailed coverage on Angira Pasi’s case, among others. The book is available at Samata Foundation’s office at Sanepa. Visit their website at samatafoundation.org
Reported by journalists Bidhya Rai and Sanju Paudel. Follow them on Twitter @BidhyaWrites and @sanju1320
Research by Radhika Pariyar.
Sound design by Ranzen Jha.
“न्याय खोज्दै नेपालगन्जबाट २० दिन हिँडेर काठमाडौं” – youtu.be/ALQoV5WhiUE
अंगिराको मृत्युपछि शान्तिलाई पीडैपीडा – bit.ly/3FKKq3u
मिलापत्रमै टुंग्याइन्छ दलित महिलामाथिको हिंसा – bit.ly/3l25N8M
दलित बालिकालाई होटेलमा बन्धक बनाएर बलात्कार – bit.ly/3FE5J6I
पानी, प्रेम र बिहे अस्वीकार, तर दलितका छोरीमाथि बलात्कार –bit.ly/30XhtT2
Rape for ransom –bit.ly/32zIIE5
Supposed ‘suicides’ point towards police incompetence – bit.ly/3HJCf9D
Nepal: Ensure Justice for Caste-Based Killings – bit.ly/3nMHg9c
मोफसलबाट काठमाडौं आएर न्याय प्रणालीलाई दस्तक दिने रूबी खान को हुन्? (भिडिओ) – bit.ly/3FHmI8m
Anatomy of a police investigation: have authorities in Nepal’s Bardiya district passed a murder off as suicide? – bit.ly/3FJ2mvn
Untouchable stories of touchable vaginas – bit.ly/3xjKqEK
Killing in the name of caste –bit.ly/3FHYeM5
#16 This is how Nepal’s news media covers rape (podcast) – bit.ly/3r6Eyh1
#39 अनि तपाईको थर नि? – bit.ly/3ifRw5n
Nepal’s newsrooms need guidelines, training and women journalists to improve coverage of sexual violence – bit.ly/3HP65JE
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