Episode 81: Everyday is not Women’s Day (Re-release)


It’s that time of the year again! What are we marching for this year? Re-releasing this episode from a few years ago because, well… we are so tired of telling people to stop telling us “everyday is women’s day” when clearly it’s not, especially not in Nepal! Just look at how the Nepali state treats women – Nepali women are unequal by law because of the discriminatory citizenship provision in the constitution, the judiciary mostly takes side of male perpetrators in cases of sexual violence against women, and Nepali women’s mobility for better job opportunities abroad is severely restricted. So here’s our “tyaaau tyaaau” once again reminding everyone that giving women’s day discounts and a public holiday on March 8th will not make the world a better place for us womaniyas!


Hope you enjoy this episode!


Reading list

  1. Nepali women are unequal by law, The Kathmandu Post, http://bit.ly/3aGXuaR
  2. Deprived of an Individual Identity: Citizenship and Women in Nepal  https://www.jstor.org/stable/4030563
  3. Women have no nationality, The Record https://www.recordnepal.com/women-have-no-nationality
  4. Nepalis protest ‘ridiculous’ proposed ban on women travelling abroad, The Guardian https://bit.ly/3Jfapou 

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Boju Bajai regularly works with reporters and researchers to bring compelling audio stories that centre and amplify women’s experiences. If you would like to support our work, please consider being our patron here: www.patreon.com/bojubajai


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Boju Bajai theme music by Flekke

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